Ed Malaker

Ed Malaker is a veteran writer who has contributed to a wide range of blogs that cover tools, pets, guitars, fitness, and computer programming. When he’s not writing, Ed is usually performing DIY projects around the house or working in the garden. He’s also a musician and spends a lot of time helping people fix their guitars and composing music for independent films.

Egyptian Mau vs Tabby Cat

Egyptian Mau vs. Tabby Cat: The Differences (With Pictures)

When choosing a new cat for your home, tabby cats and Egyptian Mau cats make wonderful choices, as both are friendly, intelligent, and playful. However, choosing between them can be hard. If you are having trouble deciding, keep reading for a detailed look at both types, including their size, temperament, intelligence, and overall health, so you …

Egyptian Mau vs. Tabby Cat: The Differences (With Pictures) Read More »

two women adopting cats at the shelter

Clear the Shelters 2023: Origin, How It Works, Success Stories & FAQ

Animal shelters are crucial in caring for abandoned and surrendered pets, providing temporary refuge until they find permanent homes. However, overcrowding and limited resources often pose significant challenges for these shelters. The annual Clear the Shelters campaign hopes to raise awareness of this issue and increase adoptions. It occurs yearly in the summer months, usually …

Clear the Shelters 2023: Origin, How It Works, Success Stories & FAQ Read More »

Cat on the background of the Japanese arches in Kyoto.

Japanese Food Names For Cats: 187 Great Ideas for Your Pet

Cats make wonderful pets and owning one can be great fun. However, thinking up the perfect name for them can be stress-inducing, especially if you want something unique. Japanese food could provide the perfect answer. With their captivating charm and mysterious allure, cats share intriguing similarities with the tantalizing world of Japanese cuisine. Just as …

Japanese Food Names For Cats: 187 Great Ideas for Your Pet Read More »

rag doll cat sitting in cat tree

11 Cute Cat Commercials You’ll Love to Watch (With Videos)

In today’s fast-paced world, where our attention is constantly on various screens and devices, it’s refreshing to stumble upon something that instantly captivates us and makes us smile. One such delightful escape comes in the form of cute cat commercials. These short, often whimsical advertisements featuring our furry feline friends have a unique ability to …

11 Cute Cat Commercials You’ll Love to Watch (With Videos) Read More »

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